Preservation, Historic Sites, & Artifacts
The Harrisburg CWRT’s founders were ardent preservationists and avid collectors of Civil War artifacts. They were charter members of the Gettysburg Battlefield Preservation Association. Approximately 20% of the current Gettysburg National Military Park was purchased through their dedicated fundraising efforts. Preservation remains an important part of our mission. The Harrisburg CWRT adopted the monument dedicated to Brevetted Major General John White Geary on Culp’s Hill in Gettysburg. Funds were provided for the monument’s refurbishment and an endowment was established for its future maintenance and upkeep. We also sponsored the official dedication of this monument on August 11, 2007.

Preservation Donations
Over the years, the Harrisburg CWRT has continued the good work of our founders by supporting the following preservation projects:
- Central Virginia Battlefield Trust to obtain land near the Chancellorsville National Battlefield Park. They continue to work to save areas in Chancellorsville, Fredericksburg, Spotsylvania, and the Wilderness.
- Willow Grove Cemetery Memorial Fund. The Soldiers Memorial at Linglestown has 39 names of Union Soldiers who were killed or died in service. These men lived in East Hanover, West Hanover, Susquehanna Township, and Paxtang Borough.
- Brandy Station Foundation to save threatened areas around the Saint James Church area; areas of Fleetwood Hill; Kelly’s Ford, and the Graffiti House.
- Camp Curtin Historical Society and Civil War Round Table to fund the General Albert Jenkins monument at the farthest north Confederate brigade headquarters in the Gettysburg Campaign.
- Johnson Island Project near Sandusky, Ohio to assist in the archeological work.
- Adams County Historical Society to repair vandalized monuments at Gettysburg.
- Gettysburg National Military Park to repair vandalized monuments at Gettysburg.
- Antietam National Battlefield, West Woods Restoration Project to restore the four major woodlots that played important roles in the battle.
- Central Virginia Battlefield Trust to save as much of the doomed May 1st Chancellorsville Battlefield as possible.
- Central Virginia Battlefield Trust to save areas of the Chancellorsville Battlefield under extreme threat especially where Sykes’ Regular Army Division fought troops under Stonewall Jackson.
- Civil War Preservation Trust to save parcels of land of the Spotsylvania Mule Shoe.
- Civil War Preservation Trust to save land comprising a key portion of Schoolhouse Ridge at the Harpers Ferry battlefield.
- Seminary Ridge Historical Foundation to preserve the historic buildings of the Seminary property and to establish a 15-point walking path to interpret the history of the Seminary grounds.
- Gettysburg Battlefield Preservation Association for repairs and an archeology dig at the Lady Farm along Hanover Pike east of town.
- Civil War Preservation Trust to preserve land at Hatcher’s Run, which was part of the Petersburg Siege.
- Civil War Preservation Trust to buy land at Third Winchester and “Fraser’s Farm” land from the battle of Glendale.
- The Shenandoah Valley Battlefields Foundation to preserve the McDowell Battlefield.
- The Monitor Fund for preservation of the USS Monitor.
- The Civil War Trust to obtain land at Cedar Creek, Harpers Ferry, New Market, and Greenbrier River.
- The Civil War Trust to obtain land at Cold Harbor and New Market.
- Hunterstown Battlefield to obtain land at the site of a cavalry battle before Gettysburg.
- Civil War Trust to preserve land at Gaines’ Mill and Cold Harbor (2011).
- Civil War Trust to preserve land at Gettysburg (2011).
- Civil War Trust to preserve land at Chancellorsville and Middleburg (2012).
- Civil War Preservation Trust to help purchase land around Fleetwood Hill. The property includes the site of J.E.B. Stuart’s headquarters (2013).
- The National Park Service for land preservation at Spotsylvania (2014).
- The Civil War Trust for land acquisition at North Anna (2014).
- The Civil War Trust for land acquisition at Chancellorsville (2015).
- Pamplin Historical Park for land acquisition at the breakthrough (2015).
- Kernstown Battlefield Association for land acquisition and preservation (2015).
- The Civil War Trust for land acquisition at Antietam near the Dunker Church (2015).
- The Civil War Trust for land acquisition at the Slaughter Pen Farm (2016).
- Monocacy National Battlefield Foundation to preserve land of the battle that saved Washington, DC (2018).
- Burkittsville Preservation Association to obtain and preserve land and structures (2016).
- Richmond Battlefield Association to obtain and preserve battlefield land around Richmond (2017).
- The Civil War Trust to obtain land at Winchester, Virginia (2017).
- The Civil War Trust to for another payment on land at the Slaughter Pen Farm at Fredericksburg (2017).
- The Civil War Trust for the preservation and restoration of Lee’s Headquarters and surrounding land at Gettysburg (2018).
- Friends of the Monterey Pass Battlefield, Inc. to obtain and restore battlefield land that saw fighting during Lee’s retreat from Gettysburg (2018).
- Battle of Falling Waters 1863 Foundation, Inc to help purchase land that witnessed the final battle of the Gettysburg Campaign (2018).
- American Battlefield Trust to save land at Cedar Creek and the Wilderness (2020).
- Save Historic Antietam Association to save land at Antietam (2020).
- United States Army Heritage & Education Center for a memorial honoring Dr. Richard J. Sommers (2021).
- American Battlefield Trust to save land at Champion Hill and Bristoe Station (2021).
- American Battlefield Trust to save land at Williamsburg, VA (2022).
- National Park Service, Gettysburg Educational Department to further children’s educational programs (2022).
- American Battlefield Trust to preserve land at Chancellorsville, Cedar Creek, and Cedar Mountain (2022).
- American Battlefield Trust to preserve part of the Chancellorsville battlefield where Stonewall Jackson made his flank march in May 1863 (2023).
- American Battlefield Trust to preserve a portion of the Gettysburg battlefield where the 8th Ohio fought during Pickett’s Charge (2023).
- American Battlefield Trust to help save one of the last unprotected parcels of land at Antietam, including the Joseph Avey farmhouse (2023).