

Civil War Round Table
since 1959


Our Story

The Harrisburg Civil War Round Table was organized and established in 1959. Since then, the interest of the general public in the Civil War has ebbed and flowed. By contrast, the Harrisburg Civil War Round Table has continually focused on helping its members expand their appreciation for that period in history and gain better insight into its people and events. Through the contributions and support of its members, the Round Table has long provided a “congenial medium” to facilitate the search for understanding about the war. The search has been a collective effort where we discuss and debate, enjoy the camaraderie, and share our learning with each other.

While it is important to honor and remember the sacrifices of all previous generations in America, we have a special connection to the generation that fought and endured the Civil War. You can feel that connection at our dinner meetings and on our field trips. At our monthly meetings eminent scholars share their knowledge and expertise through stimulating lectures and discussion. Many present and former members of our Round Table have spoken at our meetings and are published authors of Civil War articles and books.

But our Round Table is more than just meetings. Through field trips we have had an opportunity to walk the battlefields to visualize and gain insights into the actions and events of that long ago time. The Round Table also endeavors to preserve and protect battlefields, historical sites, landmarks and relics of that era. We have supported the placement of local markers recognizing General John Geary and the engagement at Sporting Hill. We also adopted a battlefield position and a monument in support of preservation efforts at Gettysburg National Military Park.

We exist to help satisfy a lasting and fundamental interest in America’s Civil War – one where the search for deeper understanding continues to be an insatiable quest. Our meetings are open to anyone who has an interest in the Civil War.

For more information about our Round Table, click here.

For our mission statement, vision, values, and goals, click here.

To view our 60th Anniversary slideshow, click here.

To view a list of our past speakers, field trips, and historical preservation efforts, click here.

To view our archive of historical newsletters, click here.

To view our recruiting flyer, click here.

To view some highlights of upcoming speakers for Campaign 65, click here.

Contact:      president@harrisburgcwrt.org